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Showing posts from June, 2018

Two Celeb Suicides in One Week!

  photo courtesy of News like this is time-sensitive but sometimes, words are hard to come by. Three Ice Cubes was ready to release a statement about the passing of designer Kate Spade , who tragically took her own life last week. Then, the world was hit again by another suicide, this time losing the incredibly talented chef, Anthony Bourdain . Both were extremely creative so it leads one to wonder what the connection between mental illness and creativity is, if there is any tie. There is, by some standards but this could be debated heavily for days.  photo courtesy of  Both Spade and Bourdain committed suicide by hanging, with Bourdain having an open history of heavy drug and alcohol abuse. They both leave behind one child each and family as well as a bevy of fans that will miss them for years to come. If anything can be learned from these tragedies is that suicide is never the answer. There is light. There is help and the team at TIC is speaking from exper