And then there was eight! Tonight, the singers on "The Voice" went from ten to eight and in the bottom three was Austin Jenckes (Blake), Kat Robichaud (Cee Lo) and Caroline Pennell (Cee Lo). It was up to America to decide, using Twitter as to who would stay and who would be sent packing. Last week, Kat was saved and this week, it was Caroline who stayed for another week. This sent Austin and Kat home, leaving both Team Christina and Team Adam in tact, not losing anyone. Team Cee Lo is down to just one singer and Team Bake is down to two. Here is who remains: Tessanne Chin, James Wolpert, Will Champlin from Team Adam; Caroline Pennell from Team Cee Lo; Cole Vosbury and Ray Boudreaux from Team Blake and from Team Christina, Matthew Schuler and Jacquie Lee. Come back next week to say who will be next to be sent home!
And then there was eight! Tonight, the singers on "The Voice" went from ten to eight and in the bottom three was Austin Jenckes (Blake), Kat Robichaud (Cee Lo) and Caroline Pennell (Cee Lo). It was up to America to decide, using Twitter as to who would stay and who would be sent packing. Last week, Kat was saved and this week, it was Caroline who stayed for another week. This sent Austin and Kat home, leaving both Team Christina and Team Adam in tact, not losing anyone. Team Cee Lo is down to just one singer and Team Bake is down to two. Here is who remains: Tessanne Chin, James Wolpert, Will Champlin from Team Adam; Caroline Pennell from Team Cee Lo; Cole Vosbury and Ray Boudreaux from Team Blake and from Team Christina, Matthew Schuler and Jacquie Lee. Come back next week to say who will be next to be sent home!
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