The first time I listened to "Play Onwards" the entire way through, I kept having one thought over and over: this is a "pool" album. When I say "pool" album, I mean this is something I could easily scroll to on my iPod while laying by the pool and hit play, knowing that I won't have to start skipping through any tracks. It's the type of album that a music aficionado can sit down and listen to from start to finish, and relax the entire time.
This isn't to say that it doesn't have it's moments where the pace really picks up, however. As Tranzducer, Anthony Alongi has engineered an electronic landscape. There are moments where you can sit back and just take in the carefully crafted beats and sounds that clearly are the work of a master audio engineer. I'm not going to go ahead and say that this album is for everyone out there. I will, however, say this will appeal to anyone who can appreciate the skill it takes to create sounds from thin air and shape them into pleasing beats and melodies. Two of the highlights are "Series Circuit" which sounds like it belongs on the soundtrack to any contemporary racing game or could be playing at a rave, and the Reggae-infused "Blaze of Glory." The latter track is like the mellower cousin of Knife Fight's "Bonfire." You can download the full album here. You can also stream the album from here. Please feel free to let us know your take on the album.
YouTube When you were on a semi-successful reality show, especially as one of the key players, and everyone watched your love story unfold, it only makes sense they will want to keep following you after the series has ended. Such has been the case for 'Jerseylicious' star, Tracy DiMarco , who always went head-to-head with Olivia Blois-Sharpe on the show based around the never-ending drama at the Jersey salon, The Gatsby. Eventually, DiMarco got her happily ever after when she married Corey Epstein in her dream wedding. She continued to pursue her passion, have three kids, develop a wildly successful podcast, and work on clothing and accessories. But, when you are in the public eye, boasting 541K followers on Instagram , almost everything you do is up for scrutiny. Fans (and haters) began to notice a lack of presence when it came to her husband, Corey, and questioned if their marriage was okay. There is an abundance of photos of daughters, Skylar and Jayden as well as son, ...
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