As many shows are coming back for the Fall season, we are learning that not every fave has been renewed. ABCFamily has announced that after two seasons, "Chasing Life" will not return. Fans were left with the cast in Rome as April decided that she was stopping certain treatments for her cancer and just going to live what's left of her life. And that is where the story ends. As a viewer, I think that there should at least be a two-hour special or six special episodes to just wrap everything up the way that we want it to be. Maybe a petition can help. On top of that, "Pretty Little Liars" is coming to an end within a year or so. I really cannot take this! My heart hurts! What do you have to say about this? Too soon or has "Chasing Life" run its course?
YouTube When you were on a semi-successful reality show, especially as one of the key players, and everyone watched your love story unfold, it only makes sense they will want to keep following you after the series has ended. Such has been the case for 'Jerseylicious' star, Tracy DiMarco , who always went head-to-head with Olivia Blois-Sharpe on the show based around the never-ending drama at the Jersey salon, The Gatsby. Eventually, DiMarco got her happily ever after when she married Corey Epstein in her dream wedding. She continued to pursue her passion, have three kids, develop a wildly successful podcast, and work on clothing and accessories. But, when you are in the public eye, boasting 541K followers on Instagram , almost everything you do is up for scrutiny. Fans (and haters) began to notice a lack of presence when it came to her husband, Corey, and questioned if their marriage was okay. There is an abundance of photos of daughters, Skylar and Jayden as well as son, ...
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