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- Alison is pregnant.
- The baby is not Rollins' baby...and the eggs are not hers.
- The eggs are the ones the Emily harvested for money.
- Aria is still engaged to Ezra even though Nicole is alive.
- Spencer is Mary Drake's daughter.
- Father Ted is Charlotte's father.
- Lucas went to camp with Charlotte when he was Charles.
- Hanna is still staying at Lucas' home.
- Hanna and Caleb are engaged.
- Emily is back with Paige.
- Spencer's father killed Mrs. D but meant to kill her twin who was Mary Drake.
- Rollins is dead...we think.
- There is an uber A who has the girls playing Endgame.
- To avoid her turn, Aria has sold her soul and has turned on her friends.
- She's a bitch.
- I do not think she is A.
- Mona is still a super investigator.
- She has a whole lair dedicated to endgame and the girls but what does it all mean?
- Toby's fiancee has died.
- What will happen next?
Tune in on Tuesday nights at 8p.m. on Freeform for the next three episodes, the final three, to see who A really is. I am so conflicted as I think it might be Paige but it could be Mona however that's too obvious. It needs to be a jaw dropper where I pee myself as my jaw is dropped. Who do you think it is? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter @3icecubes.
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