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RHOC: Why Three Ice Cubes is Team Emily NOT Team Tamra!

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As the season 13 finale of the RHOC approaches (it is literally just a handful of hours away), it is time for Three Ice Cubes to take a stand; we are choosing sides and it may not be the most popular one but this is not high school. Yet, some OC cast members are seemingly still of a high school mentality and this is causing a problem in the social media-sphere. In case you missed it, longtime housewife, Tamra Judge decided to go after newbie, Emily Simpson in an Instagram rant and it went like this:

"SOOOO. FAKE! just like the fake cup reader that knew my name when I walked into the door and told me she's a huge fan and that's she actually a hairdresser (that's why I had the bitch face the whole party). I absolutely hate when cast members make shit up to be relevant. Eddie has met Perry twice. A couple months prior to this party. Where he sat at her house (while I filmed Emily's birthday party) and talked for hours prior about working out and she's been to our studio. Clearly Emily is jealous of my marriage. As she should be! having other people do her dirty work. #messy #playsvictim #fake." 

Okay, so that's a whole lot to digest so let us fill in the blanks. Last week, Emily had a cup reader come to her house for a girl's night. It was someone her mother-in-law, Pary (correct spelling) trusted. While there and reading Tamra's cup, she mentioned something that could have been about Eddie dying or leaving her; it was about her being alone again which can go so many ways. So, if you were trying to understand the context of this Instagram rant from the 14th, you're caught up. Emily took to Twitter and had this to say, after stating that, as a lawyer, she would answer with facts:

"1. My mother in law is 73. She has met a lot of new people this season and I'm sure she was confused. She was never told to say that. 
2. The cup reading was supposed to be a fun night with girlfriends. It was for ENTERTAINMENT purposes only. Nothing was supposed to be taken seriously.
3. I never met the cup reader before that evening. I had never spoken to her until that night. I never told her what to say my mother in law didn't either.
4. Of course she's a hair dresser! Do you think she does cup readings for a full time living (two face palm emojis)
5. I like Eddie very much, but I'm not jealous of your marriage.
6. If you don't like fake story lines, maybe you stop "fake" losing your top"

Okay, so it is clear we have a war here. And now, it is time for us to jump in. No, we have not known Emily that long but we have seen Tamra's work and know what she is capable of. Let's take it to season 4 when she tried to get Gretchen "naked wasted" so she would cheat on her dying fiance, Jeff. Not to mention how jealous she was of how young Gretchen was (30 when she joined) that she constantly mean girled on her at every turn with Vicki. Season 5 she mean girled on Alexis, insulting her husband and eventually leaving her own husband. Season 6, she had no problem throwing wine on Jeana at a party (so classy) then, season 7, she was all over Gretchen, whom she treated like absolute crap and disowned Vicki, her longtime BFF. Season 8, she treated Alexis like crap, insulted the facelift Vicki got, turned on Gretchen at her bachelorette party and thought she was all high and mighty; season 9, she insulted her "good friend" Heather Dubrow by calling her "fancy" pants and by season 10, she had called in psychic friend, Scott who shared Vicki's boyfriend, Brooks didn't have cancer. But, that was the same season she got Baptized so all was forgiven, right? No, Tamra, it does not work that way.

See, since you got holy, you've been rude. You insulted this cup reader and psychics in general yet you had your own who stirred the pot. Had you not brought Scott on, we would still have Brooks and not be left with lame Vicki and bland Steve so thanks for that! You turn faster than a top, which, as Emily pointed out, you keep losing. You talked so poorly about Shannon then when Emily confided that she actually went through life having a mentally ill mom, you were not even listening. You were just thinking of how mad you were at Gina for telling the truth to Shannon. You are mad and bitter because you have not gotten laid in months because your husband is sick and instead of putting your energy towards healing, you put it in all of the wrong places. You think people will sympathize with the fact that your daughter does not want to open herself to you but ask why? You do not have respect or regard for anyone. Only when it suits you. You would be out there in Mexico flashing and running naked if Vicki's boyfriend would let her do that but you chased Brooks away by bringing in your own cup reader. 

Emily has shown a human side to herself. She's a hard-working, curvalicious, make no apologies, mom. She's been through hell and back with her own mom and she's just trying to make her best life. No, she's not perfect but when did she say she was? She does not get new boobs or a new face every season to stay young and relevant. So, yes, we may be one of the few but we are Team Emily because, at this point, Tamra's drama is tired!!


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