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The Drink We Are OBSESSED With All Year Long!

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Admittedly, I was a little late to jump on this train. Okay, really late but I can be a creature of habit and some leopards do not change their spots, especially when it comes to my coffee obsession. The most I will do is try a new syrup combination but I am pretty set on what I like and what I do not, having been a barista for three years in college. But, when Dunkin' had the $2 Cold Brew special, the budget conscious coupon clipper inside had to give it a shot. What was the worst that could go wrong? I would be out two bucks and be forced to add extra fat free french vanilla creamer from home? It was a risk I was willing to take. I ordered my medium cold brew with my regular 4 Sweet and Low/ cream combo, no syrup and handed over my two dollars and change. I waited for my beverage. Now, keep in mind, my local D and D, where I am a regular and have been for years, is not always super reliable, even when it comes to the same iced coffee I order on a daily basis. It is like I leave and they all get amnesia, cream becomes milk, Sweet and Low becomes Equal, and it's just a mess. 

Finally, my drink was ready and as I took that first sip, I was nervous but it all turned to relief and excitement when I realized this was a coffee religious experience. It was so good. I mean, beyond good. Incredible. I soon had to introduce others to it who were interested but scared to take the leap. They had the same reaction and wished they had tried it sooner. We tried cold brews elsewhere and while they were pretty good, Dunkin' definitely has the best. And it does not need any syrups, for the weight conscious. But, I will add a pump of caramel swirl syrup if I am in the mood. But, I will say this: the right person has to make it. I have have cold brews made by the wrong coffee maker and you can tell they just do not take pride in beverage making. They do not want me to have that first sip moment. 

Now that the $2 deal is over, the price is back up to $3+ but trust me, it is totally worth it. They have an energy cold brew that I am a little nervous to try but this is next on my list. Try it and let me know!!

*And yes, I drink iced year-round!
