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Happy Birthday, Breonna Taylor!

photo courtesy of standwithbre,com

You turn 27 and, under normal circumstances, you should be able to go out and celebrate with family and friends. Instead, Breonna Taylor is being memorialized and is in the center of what CNN anchor, Don Lemon has referred to as Racism2020. It is one of the biggest #BlackLivesMatters movements we have seen in our lifetimes, in my lifetime, when we should dislike people based on their behavior not on the color of their skin. Right as COVID and shelter-in-place was beginning, Taylor's life was about to end when a search warrant went wrong. 

The police were looking for drug dealing men but the main home they were to be searching was not even apparently close to Breonna's, an emergency room room tech. However, it was suspected her apartment was a locale for receiving packages, thus a no-knock warrant was issued. After midnight on March 13th, enter the police (sans announcement of who they were) and yes, Taylor's boyfriend did fire a shot and hit an officer but in self-defense (he was authorized to have a gun and charges have been dropped, for now but I do believe it will not be good if they bring them back up). As for Breonna, she was fired upon at least eight times and took her life. Today, she will not be able to see her 27th birthday. So, what can be done to honor her memory? Here are some ways:

Cate Young or @battymamzelle on social media, has organized the #SayHerName and #BirthdayForBreonna campaigns for today. Share photos of her, artwork, whatever ways you want to help with these hashtags and don't forget to send a birthday card in honor of Breonna to Kentucky officials, demanding action as we are still waiting for her killers to be brought to justice. Send them to:

Office of the Attorney General
700 Capital Avenue, Suite 118
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601-3449

Mayor Greg Fischer
527 W Jefferson Street #600
Louisville, KY 40202

Don't send words of anger or hate; be diplomatic. We are better than that but we want justice. And don't worry if the cards get there next week; we celebrate birthdays all month around here. Happy birthday, beautiful Breonna. May you rest in paradise!



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